Monday 9 April 2018

Azure–iterate resources in all tenants for GDPR

GDPR means that we now have a policy for all data to be in UK or Europe.

So – to find where all our azure resources are

1. Install the azure PowerShell toolkik (

2. Run the script below to check the location of your resources are in the list of allowed locations.

# login to azure this should request secure credentials
# get a list of tenants / subscriptions
$allowedlocations = 'northeurope', 'westeurope' , 'francecentral' , 'francesouth', 'ukwest' , 'uksouth', 'germanycentral' , 'germanynortheast'
$subscriptions = Get-AzureRmSubscription
foreach($sub in $subscriptions) {
     Select-AzureRmSubscription -Subscription $sub.Id
     $resources = Get-AzureRmResource
     $resources.where({ $_.Location  -notin $allowedlocations }) 