Friday, 1 January 2010

Windows 8 and Dell Duo–welcome to the revolution.

The revolution

Here’s why I think Microsoft have a winner.  I have held back from buying a proper tablet for the last few years because I’m always carrying a work laptop.  I know I’d end up lumping a laptop and a tablet around and then, eventually, dump the tablet.

Now users can have it all.  Windows 8 will end up on all work devices and hey presto – they can just carry that around and use it on the train, bus and at home for Facebook, twitter and reading the FT.  The same device for business and consumer.

And when it comes to buying for the home – they’ll just opt for what they know – but pure tablet –Windows RT.


The fancy new start menu – the heart of Windows 8.  I can run tablet apps like the lovely FT App and Visual Studio on the same device.


Tim Berners-Lee (we are not worthy) on the beautiful FT Metro App.  He tells us we should be using HTML5 Web Apps.  I think the FT did!

The hardware

Dell Inspiron duo Laptop Computer

A few years ago, I blogged about my Dell Duo, it has always been an OK notebook but in tablet mode let down by a complete lack of usability.  Basically standard windows apps just haven’t got big enough buttons to use as tablet apps.

The upgrade

Then, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to upgrade to Windows 8 pro RTM.   So, I downloaded my SDN copy, burnt a dvd and, fingers crossed, upgraded.  This is the first time I’ve upgraded a windows – I normally only change OS when I change machine or, occasionally, a rebuild.

Took about 5 hours to upgrade, which was worrying, but it worked.

The result

At first I thought windows 8 was just windows 7 with a big start menu.  But then I started to use some of the “Metro” apps in tablet mode.  It’s brilliant.  My Duo now works great in tablet mode, nice UI and Microsoft have really thought through the whole gestures and menu placement.


Metro app

OK, I have a couple of niggles, my Bluetooth doesn’t work anymore and my little Duo seems to struggle with performance sometimes – particularly with networking.  Not sure if it’s underpowered for Windows 8 or there are still some gremlins in there.

Windows 8 professional supports Metro apps, which are available only from the windows store – which are like AppStore apps like you run on iPads, iPods and iPhones and Market apps on your android.

There are not millions of Apps yet, barely hundreds, but expect me (@stuartm9999) and @exciledderryman to sort this.


Windows 8 professional also allows you to run all your traditional windows apps.

But that’s not where the store ends – Microsoft are also going to release a Windows 8 RT version (for ARM processers).  This version will only run Metro apps.  With all the windows “legacy crap” dumped expect this to run great as a pure tablet.

Microsoft are due to release there own hardware – the Windows Surface with Pro and RT option and other hardware vendors like Samsung withe their Ativ have also committed to Windows 8 RT .