Showing posts with label csv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label csv. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Sprint One - As "Stuart McLean" I want to be able to get a csv list of entrants for a brevet.

The physc evals tell me I'm an implementer - which means I get cracking on things but, as many around me know, rarely finish.  You need a completer finisher for that.
So, I thought a lot and put one thing on the backlog that I might be able to achieve in an hour.

Breaking down the user story

It looks pretty innocuous - right - but - believe it or not, there has been a fair amount of thought into such a simple story.

Let's start with the actor.

"Stuart McLean" - why not a brevet organiser.

Well - there is a whole bunch of stuff that needs doing do secure the average online applicaiton - authentication, authorisation, deployment, hosting etc.  As "Stuart McLean" I can circumnavigate all of these and focus on the data!

Get a list of csv entrants

So as I said in my last blog - I already have a way of using excel to do lots of the admin.  The big task is to get the data in a spreadsheet.

For a brevet

Well - I guess it's really for the next brevet!

What I have

Well - I guess I already have a list of previous people and brevets.
I also know what brevets are coming up.

Solution Overview

I'm going to create a database - whoop whoop - to store:
The Brevets,
Entrants to a brevet - i.e. the relationship between the Riders and the Brevets.
Then I'm going to upload the data from the excel files I have.  This should give me a list of riders, existing entries and previous brevets.
This should validate my data model.
I'm going to do all this in SQL Server management studio straight on the database.