Wednesday, 24 February 2016

TFS build server - don't run test

Some tests will not run on your build servers because they haven't got connectivity etc.
You can prevent them running using a "TestCategory".
On the TFS build process tab
-> Automated tests
-> Test Source
-> Test Case Filter set to e.g. "TestCategory!=WebService"
Annotate your server with -
        public void AckExistingMessage_AckSucceeds_MessageRemovedFromQueue()

Monday, 22 February 2016

SQL Server log file size

dbcc sqlperf(logspace)
gives you size and % useed

Installing azure scripltets

I tried the instructions at using Installing Azure PowerShell from the Gallery.
The second command Install-AzureRM failed.
“The 'Install-AzureRM' command was found in the module 'AzureRM', but the module could not be loaded.!
So I ran
Import-Module -Name AzureRM
and then Install-AzureRM and it worked.
(Actually I had to change my policy to allow scripts to run first - Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned).

Stuart:1 – MS PowerShell: 0