Monday 5 December 2016

Finding dependencies

Looking to find service references and database connections in web.config files on a server or a set of servers.

I started with this guys script - but he was just interested in unique url’s so I hacked it around a bit and also added in another regex for the connection strings.

This is not perfect by any means but is a start for anyone else (or me in the future)

# AUTHOR  : Mark Rainey  
# Ammended - Stuart McLean 2016-05-12
# DATE    : 2013-03-13  
# COMMENT : Reads in a list of servers and searches
# the E:\Live folder for config files.  When it finds
# them it searches for anything starting with 3 or more
# letters (tcp or http) followed by a colon and \\
# now also outputs connection string data and 
# looks for </value in urls

Set-StrictMode -Version latest

$scriptpath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
# A friend at work helped me get this to output to Excel
$outputFile = $scriptpath + "\urls.csv"
$connectionFile = $scriptpath + "\connections.csv"
# This is a file with a FQDN of each server on a new line
$serverList = $scriptpath + "\serverlist.txt"
# Load server list
$servers = Get-Content $serverList

$URLS = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$ConnectionStrings = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

$credential = Get-Credential

# Find the string and save it to a file
Function getStringMatch
 Try { 
  # Loop through all servers
  Foreach ($server In $servers) {
      # Set UNC Path to files for this server
   $drive = "\\" + $server + "\d$"
   New-PSDrive -Root $drive  -PSProvider FileSystem -Name z -Credential $credential
   #The path can be anywhere on your servers you want to search
   $path     = "z:\AppWebSites"
   #Get list of files
   $files    =  Get-Childitem $path web.config -Recurse | Where-Object { !($_.psiscontainer) } 
   # Loop through the server and search all config files under E:\Live
    #$matches = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
   Foreach ($file In $files)
    $fullFileName = $file.FullName 
    # regular expression for a URL format
    #$regex = '([a-zA-Z]{3,})://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)*?'
    # find any urls
    $regex = '([a-zA-Z]{3,})(:\/\/.*)(?=<)'
                # Find all matches in current file and add the Value for each one to an array
    select-string -Path $fullFileName -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % {
        $found = New-Object psobject -Property  @{       
        server = $server;
        urlRef = $_.Value;
        file = $file.FullName

    $connectionStringRegex = '(?<=connectionString=")(.*)(?=")'
    select-string -Path $fullFileName -Pattern $connectionStringRegex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % {
        $connectionString = $_.Value;

        $source =   ($connectionString | select-string -Pattern '(?<=data source=)(.*?)(?=;)').Matches[0].Value 
        $catalog =  ($connectionString | select-string -Pattern '(?<=Initial Catalog=)(.*?)(?=;)').Matches[0].Value 
        $sqlUser =  ($connectionString | select-string -Pattern '(?<=User ID=|uid=)(.*?)(?=;)').Matches[0].Value 
        $found = New-Object psobject -Property  @{       
        server = $server;
        source = $source;
        catalog = $catalog;
        sqluser = $sqlUser;
        file = $file.FullName
     Catch {
  Write-host "could not parse connection string $_" + $connectionString
   Remove-PSDrive z
 Catch {
  Write-host "Something failed $_"
 Finally {
  $URLS.ToArray() | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoTypeInformation
  $connectionStrings.ToArray() | Export-Csv -Path $connectionFile -NoTypeInformation

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