Wednesday 9 November 2016

Sprint 1 Retrospection3–a bit of direction, information security and plans and other musings


Not only did I massively overshoot my one hour development time, I also have doubts as to weather I was really adding value to the “product”.

OK – so I’ve uploaded a load of data – but I’m not sure I can actually use that data.  But, upon thinking about it, I might be able to implement user stories whereby I already have the rider data and just get them to confirm it.  Since they supplied the data for my events – I’m kind of assuming that they’ve allowed me to use it for my events but there is obviously  a massive legal bag of spanners to do with data shareing etc. that I’ll have to try and put something together on.

I guess the value added bit is that I’ve validated the schema.

Going forward the focus needs to be


Epic – 4307 – “I want a rider to be able to enter all there details online when the event opens and to be able to prepare brevet cards for the event.”

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